The first workshop in the field of “Forest Management” entitled “Preserving and enhancing the health, vitality and biodiversity of forests in times of climate change”, will take place online on March 9, 2022, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CET.
The objectiveis is to respond to the various challenges posed by climate change (adapting the tree composition of forests and ensuring their stability, regulating the age structure, adaptation to extreme events caused by climate change, etc.). The target groups are decision-makers, educational institutions, professionals and NGOs.
The announcement of the workshop is only in Slovenian https://www.gozdis.si/dogodki/Ohranjanje-in-krepitev-zdravja-vitalnosti-ter-biotske-pestrosti-gozdov-v-luci-podnebnih-sprememb/, the programme as well: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ohranjanje-in-krepitev-zdravja-vitalnosti-ter-biotske-pestrosti-gozdov-tickets-262431950027.
It is organized for the Slovenian professional public and policy makers.