The main event of the Forest Week this year was held at Magolnik, Slovenia under the slogan “Forest Tending: Today for Tomorrow, for Nature and People.”
Forest tending is the main tool for directing forest development and the foundation of attentive forest management. The event brought together representatives of forestry and environmental institutions, forest owners, forestry students, conservationists and environmentalists, representatives of the local community and other participants who went to the forest with the task of planning forest tending measures. They learned about the foundations of forest tending, which, in addition to focusing on quality, also emphasizes the resilience and diversity of forest stands. The groups symbolically implemented forest tending measures and discussed what forest tending and its measures mean for the forest, society and stakeholders in the forest area.
Teden gozdov – Magolnik, 24.5.2022
Osrednja prireditev tedna gozdov je letos potekala na Magolniku pod sloganom »Nega gozda: danes za jutri, za naravo in ljudi.«
Nega gozda je glavno orodje za usmerjanje razvoja gozdov in temelj skrbnega gospodarjenja z gozdom. Na dogodku so se zbrali predstavniki gozdarskih in okoljskih institucij, lastniki gozdov, študenti gozdarstva, naravovarstveniki in okoljevarstveniki, predstavniki lokalne skupnost in drugi udeleženci, ki so se podali v gozd z nalogo načrtovanja ukrepov nege gozda. Spoznali so temelje sodobne nege gozda, ki poleg usmeritve v kakovost poudarja tudi odpornost in raznovrstnost gozdnih sestojev. V skupinah so simbolično izvajali ukrepe nege gozda in se pogovarjali o tem, kaj nega gozda in njeni ukrepi pomenijo za gozd, družbo in deležnike v gozdnem prostoru.