The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. With this tool, projects on environmental issues proposed by the member countries are co-financed. Funded projects can be proposed by public or private operators, bodies or institutions.

Until 2013, LIFE had contributed approximately € 3.1 billion to the protection of the environment. The current funding period (from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020) has a budget of € 3.4 billion.

The main objectives of the LIFE Program are:

  • Contribute to the transition to an efficient economy in terms of resources, with lower carbon emissions and resilient to climate change. Contribute to the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment and to the interruption and reversal of the biodiversity loss process, including support for the Natura 2000 network and the fight against the degradation of ecosystems.
  • Improve the development, implementation and application of Union environmental policy and legislation. Catalyzing and promoting the integration and dissemination of environmental and climate objectives in other Union policies and in practice in the public and private sectors, including through increasing their capacity.
  • Further support environmental climate governance at all levels, including increased participation by civil society, NGOs and local actors.
  • Support the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Program.

The LIFE program includes the following two sub-programs.

LIFE “Environment”:

  • Environment and resource use.
  • Nature and biodiversity.
  • Governance and information on the environment.

LIFE “Climate Action”:

  • Mitigation of climate change.
  • Adaptation to climate change.
  • Governance and information on climate.

More about the LIFE programme is on the dedicated website: