Final Products
All the final Products
All the Final Products
Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources with Seed Practicum
Implementation actions
B1 Landscape genomics approach for sustainable forest management
Action B1
B2 Forest ecosystem biodiversity and modelling
Action B2
B3 Silvicultural regimes
Action B3
B4 Replicability and transferability of project tools and results
Action B4
Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
C1 Monitor and measure the impact of the project
Action C1
Public awareness and dissemination of results
D1 Dissemination and communication
D1.1. – Dissemination planning and Development of the Dissemination Pack
Notice Boards for Demostration sites
Site 1: Pian degli Ontani (Itlay)
Site 2: Baldo’s Forest (Italy)
Site 3: Pian dei Ciliegi (Italy)
Site 11: Fonte Novello (Italy)
Site 13: Stara Gradiška (Croatia)
Site 22: Mlake Gura (Slovenia)
Site 23: Osankarica (Slovenia)
Site 24: Pri studencu (Slovenia)
Site 25: Rajhenavski Rog (Slovenia)
Site 26: Smolarjevo (Slovenia)
Site 27: Udnik – Leskova dolina (Slovenia)
D1.2 Dissemination of the project results
Project result
63rd Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress (10-13 September 2019, Naples, Italy)
Project result
Conference “Climate change, protection and management of agroforestry resources of the Sila National Park (16 October 2019, Camigliatello Silano, Cosenza, Italy)
Project result
National Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (11-15 November 2019, Palermo , Italy)
Project result
Educational event “Un giorno all’Università” (University of Florence)– During the event the objectives of LIFE Systemic project were presented (27 May 2021, Florence, Italy)
Project result
Educational visit – The 2nd year students in Forest sciences (University of Florence) visited the demonstration site num. 3 “Pian dei Ciliegi”; forest regeneration in the site was measured by students (25 May 2021, Italy)
Project result
Orvieto (Italy) 30 May – 2 June 2022, XIII SISEF Congress
Project result
Livorno (Italy) 14 – 16 June 2022, IX International Symposium on “Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: Problems and measurement techniques”
D1.3 Networking activities with other projects, programs, expert groups and committees
Networking activities
From Projects experience towards a shared model for forest management (11 November 2019, Palermo, Italy)
Networking activities
LIFEGENMON Final conference “Forest Science for Future Forests: Forest genetic monitoring and biodiversity in changing environments” ( 21 – 25 September 2020 in Ljubljana and Online)
Networking activities
How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – a view across Europe (9 November, 2020 – ON LINE)
At the Final conference of the oFOREST project, Kristina Sever (SFS) as partner of LIFE SySTEMiC has made a presentation entitled “PAHERNIK FOREST: A CASE FROM SLOVENIA”
Project management
E1 Project management
Action E1
E2 After Life Plan
Action E2