30.05 – 2.06 2022, XIII SISEF Congress

The XIII SISEF (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology) National Congress was held from 30 May to 2 June 2022 in Orvieto (TR), Italy. The main topic was “Alberi-Foreste-Biodiversità. Dal New Green Deal alla Farm to Fork Strategy”, addressed through the following themes: Ecosystem services, landscape and rural development; Policies for sustainable development; Innovations; Teaching, dissemination and communication.

LIFE SySTEMiC team participated in the Congress, presenting the first results obtained regarding the following topics: (i) Meta-analysis to harness data on genes relevant to abiotic stress response, in order to integrate them in abiotic-stress model of forest species (Fagus sylvatica L.), (ii) Biodiversity indicators (stand structure, deadwood, microhabitat, saproxylic insects and birds) assessment in even-aged and uneven-aged beech forests in Tuscany, and (iii) A detailed information gathered on 30 demonstration sites of the project, regarding: description of the structure, the history of the management, the previous silvicultural measures and soil use.