Dal 25 al 29 ottobre 2021 si è svolta a Lorica San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), nel Parco Nazionale della Sila, la Autumn School –...
Author archive for: Patrizia
Scientific meeting on bioeconomy and climate change
On 26.1.2022 there was a scientific meeting on bioeconomy and climate change, at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana and online (https://www.sazu.si/events/61c99adadee036da279a2621)....
New paper from Life SySTEMiC: Meta-Analysis as a Tool to Identify Candidate Genes Involved in the Fagus sylvatica L. Abiotic Stress Response
Meta-Analysis as a Tool to Identify Candidate Genes Involved in the Fagus sylvatica L. Abiotic Stress Response Cesare Garosi, Roberta Ferrante, Cristina Vettori andDonatella Paffetti...
Interview on the Radio Slovenija
On 28 January 2022 our colleague Andrej Breznikar (Slovenia Forest Service) had an interview on the Slovenian national radio (Radio Slovenija -RTV SLO) about forests...
01-03.09.2021 Progettazione di analisi ecosistemiche in risposta ai cambiamenti climatici (Italia)
La Summer School si svolgerà dal 1 al 3 settembre. Sono previste due giornate di seminari in aula presso il Polo delle Scienze sociali di...
09-13.08.2021 Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing (Pokljuka, Slovenia)
On 9 August 2021, Dr. Hojka Kraigher (SFI) presented the LIFE Systemic project at the Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing. The Summer...
LIFE SySTEMiC visits to Italian demonstration sites
Report: LIFE SySTEMiC visits to Italian demonstration sites – 30 June to 6 July 2021 Written and edited by: Boris Rantaša and Davide Travaglini Contributors:...
05.07.2021 – Educational visit in the monumental forest of La Verna – Registration opened
The visit of the demonstration site n. 30 La Verna (Abies alba stand) in the monumental forest of La Verna will take place on July...
03.07.2021 – Educational visit in the Regional Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli – Registration opened
The visit of the demonstration site n. 9 Fossacci (Pinus pinea stand) in the Regional Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli will take place on...
02.07.2021 – 1st stakeholders meeting in Italy – Registration opened
The first stakeholders meeting in Italy will take place in Barisciano (L’Aquila) on July 2, 2021. The meeting will be in Italian language.Registration is requested...