LIFE SySTEMiC starts the work in the Riserva Naturale Biogenetica Pian degli Ontani (PT) managed by the Stakeholder Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversità-Reparto di Pistoia (Italy), and...
New field activities in Slovenia
LIFE SySTEMiC has started the field work in Udnik – Leskova dolina (Slovenia) Demonstration sites of Abies alba
New field activities
LIFE SySTEMiC has started the field work in Parco Nazionale del Gran sasso e Monti della Laga (Italy): Demonstration sites of Fagus sylvatica in Fonte...
Field activities
The filed activities in Italian demonstration sites restart after the lock down from the Pinus pinea site in San Rossore (PI)
Life SySTEMiC in Smart Working
Pictures taken on March 2020, during COVID-19 lockdown
Educational video
La storia del bosco – Le avventure di Sem piccolo seme. Il cartoons ad episodi “Le avventure di Sem piccolo seme” nasce dalla collaborazione tra...
Slovenian and Italian foresters help reforest fire site in Slovenian karst
Slovenian and Italian foresters help reforest fire site in Slovenian karst Slovenian national television RTV Slovenija
Launching press conference of LIFE SySTEMic
25 November 2019, Florence (IT) The launch conference held on 25 November 2019 in Florence, represents the event with which the LIFE SySTEMic Project actually...
Slovenian and Italian foresters help reforest fire site in Slovenian karst
5 December 2019, Cerje (SI) On Thursday, 5th of December 2019, over 65 foresters from Slovenia and Italy (Slovenia Forest Service, Slovenian Forestry Institute and...
LIFE AND NATURA 2000 NETWORK. From Projects experience towards a shared model for forest management
11 November 2019, Palermo (IT) The LIFE GoProFor project organized on 11 November 2019 in Palermo (Sicily, IT) the 1st European LIFE GoProFor Conference entitled...